He is Always Good!
God is always GOOD...ALWAYS! He has no bad within Him...anywhere, anytime, anyplace!
The devil is ALWAYS bad! Always! People always have a free will and they can ALWAYS choose who they want to serve. Despite popular opinion, the path to hell is not paved with good intentions; it is a cobblestone LOWway that is paved brick by brick, with the selfish, rebellious, heartless, violent, jealous, and evil choices of people. They refuse to embrace the Savior, who stretched out His arms and said, "over My dead body will you go to hell!" But many step over His scared ridden corpse, and with bloody feet, they take the path of the damned. See Hebrews 6:1-7Love Always wins and love is ALWAYS a choice, so why not chose Love? God is love! God never sends people to hell, people chose hell. On judgment day God will reveal the choice YOU made in secret and give you your hearts desire.
CHOSE LIFE!- Kris Vallatton
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