" From the crimson stain upon you robe, with every nail with every pounding blow, with every strip and every bruise upon your back"..........all that was done so that a way would be made for us, to enter into the Holy place so I could come face to face with God!
The cross is the greatest irony mankind will ever know, the death of one brought life to all those who accept. And so here is what I am getting to; His death brought life, Jesus came that men could have life not just any life but life that is sourced from the very source of life itself, Jehovah. To live in such a manner that the world has never seen, walking in love, holiness steadfastly day by day.
So after Easter, after all the lamenting, mourning and celebration what will life be for you after the cross, will Jesus need to go to calvary again for you or will you be continuing the journey to immortal life, because like i said, the cross is an irony, it is not the end of things but a means to an end of something greater than ourselves.
So I ask you what is you final destination, when it is all said and done and time has run it course, what would the finished work on Jesus on the cross have done for you? Will you be seated in heavenly places or will you soul be tormented for eternity knowing you had the chance your pick you your cross and follow Him?
For me the cross is an invitation to a place not many have been and many will never see and that is to know and be with God face to face....
So I say Chose life, you will never regret it!!!
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